Court of Protection Deputies

A Deputy is appointed when an individual’s affairs need to be looked after because that person is unable to make decisions themselves.

Every person has the right to appoint someone to look after their affairs on their behalf should they later lose capacity by making a Lasting Power of Attorney.

Where a person is no longer able to make decisions themselves and they have not appointed an Attorney, it will be necessary to make an application to the Court of Protection, so that the Court can consider the best person to act on behalf of the individual.

This can often be a lengthy process and we are on hand to guide you through this process and can assist with the following:-

  • Making an application to the Court of Protection to be appointed as Deputy
  • Statutory Wills
  • Where it is not practical for a family member or friend to act as Deputy, we can act as Professional Deputy
  • Assisting a Court appointed Deputy with completing the Annual Report to the Office of the Public Guardian


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